利用“軍字一號”工程和PACS 提高遠程會診水平
(南京軍區(qū)福州總醫(yī)院, 福州 350025)
文章編號: 1008- 9985 (2002) 03- 0274- 0274- 01
關(guān)鍵詞:“軍字一號”工程; 遠程會診; PACS
中圖分類號: R 197. 32
摘 要: 目的: 為提高會診信息的準(zhǔn)確性和醫(yī)學(xué)影像質(zhì)量, 減輕遠程會診工作量。方法: 醫(yī)院建立“軍字一號”工程和PACS, 并
把遠程會診系統(tǒng)與“軍字一號”和PACS 融合。結(jié)果與結(jié)論: 會診病人的臨床信息直接從“軍字一號”采集, 醫(yī)學(xué)影像從PACS
采集, 既減輕了工作量, 又提高了遠程會診水平。
Make Use of“No 1M il itary”Project and PACS to Improve Level of
Telemedic ine
CHEN J in2Xiong (Fuzhou Ge ne ra l Hosp ita l of Na njing M ilita ry A re a Comm a nd, Fuzhou
Abstract: Objective: To imp rove the accu racy of the telem edicine info rm at ion and the quality of the m edi2
cal p ictu re, to reduce the load. Methods: Estab lish“No 1M ilitary”p ro ject and PACS, then release linkup
betw een the telem edicine and“No 1M ilitary”p ro ject and linkup betw een the telem edicine and PACS. Re2
sults: The pat ien t’s clin ical info rm at ion direct ly co llect f rom “No 1 M ilitary”p ro ject, the p ictu re f rom
PACS, no t on ly reducing the wo rk, bu t also imp roving the level of the telem edicine.
Key words: telem edicine; “No 1M ilitary”p ro ject; PACS
Ho sp A dm in J Ch in PLA , 2002, 9 (3) : 274- 274
① 遠程會診系統(tǒng)經(jīng)過近幾年的努力, 在我軍得到了
PACS 作為軍隊衛(wèi)生信息化建設(shè)下一步發(fā)展目標(biāo)的情
況下, 如何把遠程會診系統(tǒng)與“軍字一號”工程和
PACS 有機結(jié)合, 充分利用“軍字一號”工程 |